

Office Technology Partners can help your organization generate savings beyond the normal scopes and conventional parameters. Identifying key areas of improvement, targeting critical expense categories...

We are professionals with an average tenure of 25 years in office technology industry and related fields with a strong history of success in achieving results. Here...

Over the years, many of us have had goals revolving around losing weight or getting in shape. While achieving these goals may have taken a...

OTP is a professional cost management and consulting company that provides auditing, analysis, assessment and recommendation of business technology and other operational spends for most...

Cost reduction is to lower your existing cost with regards to a spend category with or without engaging into a new contract or agreement. You...

Probably the most important step in the process is to analyze your current expenditure accurately and methodically in order to arrive at the raw numbers...

Learn about your internal process and departmental workflow related to the specific category to which you want to apply a cost reduction process. ...

Another very important step towards sourcing out the right solution at the right price is the creation of a Request for Proposal or (RFP) that...

The responses need to be thoroughly examined and compared to the current scope of work, terms and conditions. The top vendors need to be interviewed...

It is imperative that after all the hard work in determining current needs, evaluating RFPs and picking a winner, that we have a precise and...

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